App-based mental training reduces AF symptoms after catheter ablation

An app-based mind and body intervention significantly reduced atrial fibrillation-related symptom burden during the 3 months after catheter ablation compared with usual care, according to findings from a randomized controlled trial.
Catheter ablation offers an effective treatment option for AF; however, AF-related symptoms and recurrences, notably within the first 3 months after ablation, are common, Julia A. Lurz, MD, a cardiac electrophysiologist at the Heart Center Leipzig at University Leipzig, said during a press conference at Heart Rhythm 2022.
“AF, as well all know, causes a

An app-based mind and body intervention significantly reduced atrial fibrillation-related symptom burden during the 3 months after catheter ablation compared with usual care, according to findings from a randomized controlled trial.
Catheter ablation offers an effective treatment option for AF; however, AF-related symptoms and recurrences, notably within the first 3 months after ablation, are common, Julia A. Lurz, MD, a cardiac electrophysiologist at the Heart Center Leipzig at University Leipzig, said during a press conference at Heart Rhythm 2022.
“AF, as well all know, causes a