DALLAS — Microscopic extranodal extension appeared associated with shorter survival among patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma, according to study results.
In addition, it remains unclear whether adjuvant chemoradiation therapy confers a survival benefit for patients with microscopic or macroscopic extranodal extension (ENE), findings presented at American Head & Neck Society Annual Meeting showed.
“The fact that patients with oral cavity primary cancers and microscopic ENE had worse outcomes than those without is different from the accepted thought surrounding
Extranodal extension linked to shorter survival in oral cavity cancer
DALLAS — Microscopic extranodal extension appeared associated with shorter survival among patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma, according to study results.
In addition, it remains unclear whether adjuvant chemoradiation therapy confers a survival benefit for patients with microscopic or macroscopic extranodal extension (ENE), findings presented at American Head & Neck Society Annual Meeting showed.
“The fact that patients with oral cavity primary cancers and microscopic ENE had worse outcomes than those without is different from the accepted thought surrounding