Pregnancy-related anxiety associated with earlier delivery

Pregnant women who had anxiety about their current pregnancy had a greater risk for early delivery, with third trimester anxiety having the strongest association with early birth, according to a prospective cohort study.
“Anxiety about a current pregnancy is a potent psychosocial state that may affect birth outcomes,” Christine Dunkel Schetter, PhD, a professor of health and social psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, said in a press release. “These days, depressive symptoms are assessed in many clinic settings around the world to prevent complications of

Pregnant women who had anxiety about their current pregnancy had a greater risk for early delivery, with third trimester anxiety having the strongest association with early birth, according to a prospective cohort study.
“Anxiety about a current pregnancy is a potent psychosocial state that may affect birth outcomes,” Christine Dunkel Schetter, PhD, a professor of health and social psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, said in a press release. “These days, depressive symptoms are assessed in many clinic settings around the world to prevent complications of