Somatus shows hospital readmissions down 49% among patients with CKD

Patients with kidney disease under the care of Somatus transitioning back home after a hospital stay were 49% less likely to be readmitted to the hospital compared with patients who did not receive the care, the company reports.
Validation Institute, a company that reviews and confirms performance claims made by health care providers, reviewed data from 14,628 health encounters provided to patients with chronic kidney disease who were managed by Somatus under its Transitions of Care Assessment (TCA) program.
“As we continue to deliver our whole-person care model at scale, our care teams

Patients with kidney disease under the care of Somatus transitioning back home after a hospital stay were 49% less likely to be readmitted to the hospital compared with patients who did not receive the care, the company reports.
Validation Institute, a company that reviews and confirms performance claims made by health care providers, reviewed data from 14,628 health encounters provided to patients with chronic kidney disease who were managed by Somatus under its Transitions of Care Assessment (TCA) program.
“As we continue to deliver our whole-person care model at scale, our care teams