STAT+: Pharmalittle: Are new ADHD treatments really any better? India moves to reduce dependence on China for pharma ingredients

Parents and doctors now have more tools than ever to help kids manage symptoms of ADHD. But are these new drugs and devices any better than what’s come before?

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to another working week. We hope the weekend respite was relaxing and invigorating, because that oh-so familiar routine of deadlines, meetings, and online calls has predictably returned. But what can you do? The world, such as it is, keeps spinning. So why not give it a nudge with a delightful cup or three of stimulation? Our choice today is salted caramel mocha, which we likened to a taste of the Jersey Shore. Feel free to join us. Meanwhile, we have assembled the latest list of interesting items for you to peruse. We hope you have a smashing day, and, as always, do keep in touch. We appreciate feedbacks, suggestions, and saucy tips. …

Parents and doctors now have more tools than ever before to help kids manage symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. But STAT notes that a looming question is being asked by experts about the next generation of treatments: Are these new drugs and devices any better than what’s come before? At least four new treatments — two drugs, a nerve stimulation device, and a prescription video game — have come to market in recent years to manage or treat symptoms of ADHD. But with new drug formulations and novel approaches, it is difficult to grasp how different options stack up to one another, because there are rarely any studies that compare ADHD treatments head to head.

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