Top of the morning to you. And a fine one it is. Sunny skies and brisk breezes are greeting us today, which calls for a celebration with — you guessed it — a cup of stimulation. Our flavor of choice is cinnamon dolce, for those keeping track. Despite the gorgeous weather, there is much to keep us in front of the laptop, however. This sounds familiar, yes? So time to get started with a few tidbits. Have a wonderful day, and drop us a line if you hear anything interesting. We are set up to receive postcards and telegrams. …
The U.K. pharmaceutical industry trade group called for the U.K. government to scrap its plans to raise repayment rates for drug companies in order to avoid possible setbacks in the sector, Reuters notes. Drug companies that are part of a voluntary agreement, which makes branded medicines affordable, are required to pay a part of their revenue to the government. The U.K. Department of Health and Social Care plans to raise the revenue clawback rate to 27.5% from 24.5%. The ongoing attempt to raise rates is likely to send the “worst possible signal” to global investors and boardrooms, said the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.